Gaming and Entertainment Salary Guide
This salary guide is an up-to-date complete listing of each function, and it’s salary range within the United States. Download it now!
2024 Gaming and Entertainment
Thank you for taking a moment to download our salary guide! Today’s industry job climate is very aggressive, and we are in what’s called a “candidate driven market”. That means that there is an under abundance of available candidates when compared to the total number of available positions in the marketplace. We suggest that both employers and job seekers use this guide to gauge the current market salaries within the gaming and entertainment industry. For employers, you can use this data to help better understand where your staff’s compensation is relative to the others in the industry. To be competitive in the marketplace, we recommend that most companies consider the 60-70th percentile or each range. For those considering change within the gaming and entertainment industry, you should consider using this guide as a reference point in your salary negotiations.